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Sap Power Card

Aug 01, 2009
i recently got the sap power card without knowing it was bugged, well the whole sapping thing is bugged in a way. the way you guys coded the threat engine seems to be that when i kill my poor little minion for about 12-18k damage it seems to generate a massive amount of threat on me. so it's virtually impossible for anyone else to pull the minions off of me once i do this action. on the other note i'm guessing the cards were coded something like they do some form of elemental damage. which is why the storm sap power card would activate myth blades.
i saw a post dated almost a year ago regarding the same thing and apparently this is still an issue. i would not say that this card is functioning the way it is intended to. unless it was intended to be a threat magnet or a blade trigger, not at all. the only workaround i can think of is instead of doing damage and generating threat just remove the minion from the playing field, generating zero threat, giving me health or pips or whatever.