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Remember Realm Bugs

Jan 17, 2011
I like to stay in a perfect realms for less traffic, however when I do team up I get shifted to a "busy" realm. Perhaps team-up can transport players to a less busy realm. Please fix. Anyway, afterwards I exit the dungeon via exit, home button, or mana mark and I remain in the "busy" realm instead of my original perfect realm. Please fix. Perhaps there could be an "option" where players can "set a default realm & area #" so when they port out of a dungeon, they are returned to their preferred realm.

Mar 11, 2009
I noticed that too...then someone told me: if a Kiosh posting was originated by someone in Bernie realm, and I signed up for it but I was in Scarecrow....the battle would be in Bernie realm.......no big deal, just change realms when its over......I do it myself all the time.

Mar 18, 2009
If I recall correctly, I stayed in the correct realm more often before the "remember realm" option was added.