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Reload issue after connection lost

Jun 29, 2009
Before the patch, when ever the game reloaded after I have lost connection the only thing I was not able to see was shields around me or the enemy, the animation of casting the spell, and any animation the enemy did. I was at least still able to see my cards and hp to finish the battle.

Now after the patch whenever the game reloads after I lost connection, I can't see ANYTHING. I can't even move. Every single icon is GONE. I have to shutdown wizard101 and restart the program. It's really frustrating when this happens in a big fight because now it also kicks you out and makes you start over instead of just putting you back where you were. And its even more frustrating when this happens when you are close to beating a boss.

Please find a solution for this.
Also I read that on another forum that turning off smoothing solves the problem but it does not.
