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Reagents - VERY Frustrated

Dec 22, 2008
I just spent about two hours looking for scrap iron for my current crafting quest in MB. The whole time was spent running through the areas, switching realms, and pulling my hair out.

The respawn rate on items is too low! With every player in the universe looking for the same items, switching realms, and guarding areas for respawns, it is absolutey impossible to find the items you need for these quests.

I reported this on the test server, hoping that it would be better with more realms on live, but it makes no difference! Everytime I switch realms, no difference. And before anyone says to try odd hours or perfect realms, it was 1 AM when I was looking, and I hopped realm to realm to find NOTHING! I cannot imagine what it is like during peak hours.

Please KI take a look at this and adjust the respawn rate.