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Reagent and Spellement Sorting for Backpack to Shared Bank?

Jul 11, 2010
I was wondering if there is any plan to implement a more user friendly sorting system for reagents in the shared bank. After participating in deckathalon and beastmoon and now, there are about 11-12 spellement reagents per school which just takes so time to sort through the 30 pages of reagents on my bag/shared bank, to each wizard. The Backpack sorting system of reagents is very good... still sort of combining reagents... But I was hoping if one day we could have a sort in the shared bank of spellements, deckathalon, beastmoon and "regular" reagents.
I spend so much more time trying to hand out my spellements to each wizard that takes up so much time on its own trying to make sure I don't miss anything etc... with 14 wizards and two accounts I easily an entire hour every so often to make sure each wizard trades its spellements to the right school.
I just hope this isn't too much effort to implement and soon to come so I could spend more time grinding and farming.
Thanks KI, and I am loving the Spring2022 update!

Jan 11, 2012
I suggested they should sort the spellements like they do for the antiquity reagents; Spellement - Spell Name. So:

Spellement Pigsie
Spellement Loremaster
Spellement Deer Knight


This way, all of the spellements are in one location and easy to find. They could then do stuff like Beastmoon Reagent Name, Deckathalon Reagent name, etc This should be an EASY change, it just depends if they WANT to do it.