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Rare item a little too rare

Apr 11, 2009
I really like Wizards. And I can appreciate having rare items. My frustration atm is with how random some of these drops are. I am a balance wizard, and I am simply trying to get a set of good boots. So I'm fighting Viktor Snowcrusher in DS, and all I want is the balance boots. I have gotten the rings, necklace, Life boots so many times I have more pairs than Imelda Marcos, but I just can not get the balance boots. I have been fighting this guy every day for four days now, some times more than a few hours at a time, and nothing.

I have watched at least four people come in after me, and leave very content with the very boots that completley elude me.

I am an avid gamer, but this is just ridiculous. Why bother?