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Quest:Bear Market (was "Retired")

Mar 12, 2010
The Quest, Bear Market, was retired from the game in February 2020. But now it is being offered again by Baldur GoldPaws in Olde Town.

See this link to a thread on the Wizard101 Central Forums. It explains how that Quest is now being offered, and it includes a link to another post that explained how that Quest was previously "Retired" from the game, and was no longer available.


Can someone at KI confirm the status on the Quest, Bear Market? Should it be available in the game again, or is this a bug?

AluraMist (on Central)

AluraMist2 on Mar 18, 2021 wrote:
The Quest, Bear Market, was retired from the game in February 2020. But now it is being offered again by Baldur GoldPaws in Olde Town.

See this link to a thread on the Wizard101 Central Forums. It explains how that Quest is now being offered, and it includes a link to another post that explained how that Quest was previously "Retired" from the game, and was no longer available.


Can someone at KI confirm the status on the Quest, Bear Market? Should it be available in the game again, or is this a bug?

AluraMist (on Central)
We couldn't keep the bears away, so yes, it was returned in a recent hotfix. Apologies for not announcing it!

Mar 12, 2010
Sparck. on Mar 18, 2021 wrote:
We couldn't keep the bears away, so yes, it was returned in a recent hotfix. Apologies for not announcing it!
Thank you for the quick reply. :)

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Sparck. on Mar 18, 2021 wrote:
We couldn't keep the bears away, so yes, it was returned in a recent hotfix. Apologies for not announcing it!
Thanks Sparck! I'm glad that you guys returned it. I still remember first going into Grizzleheim when I was a free to play player. Seeing the new world was part of what helped me eventually get my first membership card to see what other worlds there were!

Glad to have it back! :)