I am unable to access my quest helper. I am aware that on some quests the helper in not available, just as I am aware that you are able to turn quest helper on and off through the options menu and also by hitting ctrl T on the keyboard. This is not the problem. I have checked and double checked time and time again to be sure it is turned on. I have turned it off and on. I have logged out of the game and back in and quest helper is still not working. I am not able to see the current quest I am on at the bottom of the screen, nor am I able to see the arrow. The current quests I have are Crowology, 'Tis a Magic Place, Death Wish (II), The Wat of Wyrd, and From Whole Cloth. I am aware that only two of these quests will allow quest helper, but none of them are working. And as I said before, I am not even able to see what quest I am currently on. Wondering if anyone else is having or has had the same problem. Does any one have any suggestions?