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PvP Bug - Never Dying

Dec 29, 2011
Yesterday I was in the middle of a 4v4 match. We ended up killing their storm from second, but he was somehow still alive and kept his pips. It didn't happen once, but twice. (Obviously we lost because of that lol.) I'm aware there's a PvP bug where if you use Shadow Shrike and die, it can give off the appearance of you being dead while still being able to cast spells. Apparently, this glitch has been going on for years and still isn't fixed. I just thought I would bring attention to this.

Dec 29, 2011
Austin Legend on Feb 12, 2018 wrote:
Yesterday I was in the middle of a 4v4 match. We ended up killing their storm from second, but he was somehow still alive and kept his pips. It didn't happen once, but twice. (Obviously we lost because of that lol.) I'm aware there's a PvP bug where if you use Shadow Shrike and die, it can give off the appearance of you being dead while still being able to cast spells. Apparently, this glitch has been going on for years and still isn't fixed. I just thought I would bring attention to this.
This literally happened again. Will this ever get fixed?