Problem with transfer of Grrnadier reagents - losing reagents!
I just started Karamelle and was collecting the Grrnadier reagents (my character is a life). Normally I transfer most of my spell related reagents to the shared bank. When I tried to transfer my 3 grrnadier reagents, it gave some sort of error saying not successful. When I checked the shared bank and my backpack, the grrnadier reagents were gone! Can I get these back? And is this a bug which might need to be fixed? If you are not able to transfer a reagent like this, there should be a message saying this reagent cannot be shared or something to that effect?
Re: Problem with transfer of Grrnadier reagents - losing reagents!
CUTEHORSEY on Jan 5, 2021 wrote:
I just started Karamelle and was collecting the Grrnadier reagents (my character is a life). Normally I transfer most of my spell related reagents to the shared bank. When I tried to transfer my 3 grrnadier reagents, it gave some sort of error saying not successful. When I checked the shared bank and my backpack, the grrnadier reagents were gone! Can I get these back? And is this a bug which might need to be fixed? If you are not able to transfer a reagent like this, there should be a message saying this reagent cannot be shared or something to that effect?
Same thing happened to me, except I lost ALL my reagents from my shared bank. All 13 pages of it. I don't know if there was a limit of how much stuff could be put in there but I put almost all my reagents there so crafting with my others wizards is easier. I've been doing that since I started playing. But it's all gone.