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Problem with Quest Arrow

Apr 29, 2009
I've been recently experiencing an issue with my quest arrow; occasionally when I accept a quest or complete a quest the arrow locks in place and just points forward. No matter where I move the arrow always points forward.

I always correct this by logging out and logging back in but this does not stop the quest arrow from locking in place occasionally.

Nov 05, 2011
Feb 21, 2010
I have this problem too. It drives me up a wall.

I just exit to character selection, though, and it resets.

Rebecca Emeraldflame lvl 75 sorcerer

Jul 03, 2010
Zeus Sky Father on Aug 21, 2013 wrote:
I've been recently experiencing an issue with my quest arrow; occasionally when I accept a quest or complete a quest the arrow locks in place and just points forward. No matter where I move the arrow always points forward.

I always correct this by logging out and logging back in but this does not stop the quest arrow from locking in place occasionally.
This has been an on going issue since the quest arrow was "improved". I think it happens on and off to all of us. The only work around is signing off and back on again.

Can you please let us know when this happens if the numbers are still changing or if they are also 'stuck'.

Thanks all, the more information we can get from you about this issue, the sooner we can address it!

Apr 29, 2009
Professor Greyrose on Aug 21, 2013 wrote:
Can you please let us know when this happens if the numbers are still changing or if they are also 'stuck'.

Thanks all, the more information we can get from you about this issue, the sooner we can address it!
The numbers still work they way they should, they increase/decrease when I am near a quest goal. It's just the Arrow that's stuck in place.

Feb 21, 2010
Zeus Sky Father on Aug 22, 2013 wrote:
The numbers still work they way they should, they increase/decrease when I am near a quest goal. It's just the Arrow that's stuck in place.
Same here

Nov 05, 2011
Yes, just the arrow not the numbers,
but it is really bad if you are in a new place like dragonspyre.

Jul 03, 2010
We just had this happen last night on our Life wizard in Celestia on our second account.

The Arrow stays pointing straight ahead but numbers do count down. The old method of resetting it by signing off and back on does fix the issue still. Luckily we are all onto this one now and know how to get back on track. I have had mine go out of whack and not even notice because I have been though the spiral so many times now only the upper worlds would trick me up but I did have to reset it once last week on my Fire wizard.

Jul 30, 2012
it wont let me click on the quest that i wanna do it wont pull the arrow up or nothing.....What shud i do????

Oct 29, 2011
O that happened to me too. It didn't start until I went into character select in the middle of a fight in Cloudburst Forest. The compass didn't change direction but it did change its numbers.

88 James Titanfountain

Jul 30, 2012
Aug 26, 2010
This has happened to me too. It's like trying to play that game of warm/cold, where you tell the person they are getting warmer (closer) or colder (farther away) from their target.