So I asked someone to hatch with me and they said yes, but they were on a timer so asked if I could gift them a potion to reset the timer. I did this but they said they didn't receive it.Since there is no way to verify it's impossible to tell what's going on. So I gifted him another one, making sure I had everything right. He said still no.
So I said let's try both logging out and back in.
I logged out and back in wasn't sure which realm I was on so had to foll around with that and then noticed that he was no longer in my friends list. So anyway, my crown shop history shows two gifts to Devin DeathCaster.
Sounds like you leave sadder but wiser. There are warnings on the boards about people making promises to gift or do things in exchange for treasure cards. KI warns that what's on the trade screen IS the trade, and that some people promise stuff that they don't mean to deliver, and not to fall for it. I think when you make a gift, you have to figure it IS a gift, and nothing in return can be enforced by KI. Maybe the deal would have worked if the person was a good friend from real life or a game friend, whom you know over a long time is honorable, but a randomly met guy in the hatchery, very suspicious. He may not have even been on a hatching timer. That he vanished from the friend list after he got what he wanted, sounds like you met one of Malistair's evil minions. When you say he wasn't on your friends list, does that include the off line friends list?
He probably scammed you. Why would I guess that? Because he took the potions before the hatch, then removed himself from your friends list without actually hatching as promised.
It's terrible that some people are like this, lying to take advantage of someone, but they are out there and we have to be cautious with giving our trust to people we don't know. You gave the gifts over willingly, so there's really nothing you can do but take this as a learning opportunity.
Sorry this happened to you.
If you're looking for a safer hatching partner, I'd suggest you go over to Central, where they have an entire board dedicated to hatching meet-ups.
Well, by the looks of it, it seems like you got deceived.
The game may have a couple bugs in it, but one thing that is almost entirely/surely working is the Gifting Menu.
Once you select an item within the crown shop, you choose to the wizard t gift it to and then you confirm it on the confirmation option, then, that wizard has received it.
The only way that this may not be possible on the receiving end is if that wizard in particular has a full menu of gifts. In that case, that wizard will have to exhaust some of his/her available gifts in his/her gift option menu so new gifts received can be displayed.
Also, to add, gifts from others usually appear in an entirely different gift window.
So, this "Devin" person has no excuse.
It's genuinely hard to trust persons when they abruptly try deceiving others.
If you have seen the person again since the incident, did he just instantly leave or run away from you?
If you said no and yes to seeing the person and yes to him leaving/running away as soon as he seems to see you (and it's not a 'no' if he is not moving when looking at his book or selling something or doing AFK spin or the such, of course!), then it was probably a scam. And if that is the case, that is too bad. I think we should be able to expect all our fellow wizards to be honest, ESPECIALLY if it involves crowns! Unfortunately, "scamming" is not a reportable offense. (Which is all too sad in my opinion, but I guess KI makes the rules.)
However, if you said yes and yes and no (or something similar), then it was probably an actual bug. As for that, I would suggest contacting support, since I don't think this certain problem is something that can be fixed and everything will be in place for you guys once said bug is fixed, since items in games can be picky like that. (I think it probably would take manual fixing for you guys once KI fixes the glitch itself, is what I'm saying, since said person might not still have his gifts.)