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Potion and Mark Spot timer

Apr 14, 2009
I was curious if you guys could look into possibly implementing timers for using a Potion and the Mark Spot.

I was thinking a shorter timer like 10 seconds, and the only reason for it would be to stop the accidental use of multiple potions or the wasting of mana from marking the same spot multiple times.

I personally have a mouse that for some reason reads multiple clicks on a single mouse click (yeah i know i should buy a new one) also if there is a lot of lag on either or both sides of the game, I tend to get impatient/agitated and click some things more then once to make sure that I actually clicked it.

Its just a small suggestion and I doubt a lot of people usually have this issue, but it would be nice and it really wouldn't hurt in the long run, since using these features multiple times in a very short amount of time is usually very unproductive.

Thanks for considering!