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Please put a WARNING about this!

Nov 18, 2010
So I bought the Mirage Raider's Bundle a while back and stitched over the robe but I unstitched it and it wasn't their and I emailed support and apparently it has been stitched over for too long and cannot be recovered! Well why is there no warning about this when you stitch? There should be!

Jul 02, 2017
Woah, really? Haha, that seems....strange. How long did you have it stitched for?

Aug 03, 2014
Taylorash9 on Jul 4, 2018 wrote:
So I bought the Mirage Raider's Bundle a while back and stitched over the robe but I unstitched it and it wasn't their and I emailed support and apparently it has been stitched over for too long and cannot be recovered! Well why is there no warning about this when you stitch? There should be!
I know that when we stitch over previously stitched items it only remembers the last 2 items. I agree there should be a warning that the 3rd item will be lost forever.

I'm not sure what you mean by it having 'been stitched over for too long', could you clarify for me please? Was it one stitch done a long time ago or had you stitched over it and it was a previous stitch item that was lost (as above)?

Either way I agree that there should be a warning so people know to unstitch if they want to keep the other item. If it's that the stitch was done a while back and it somehow loses the info after a period of time this should also be made clear so we can avoid losing something special.

Please let us know what the situation was!

Sorry this happened to you and I hope KI will offer you a replacement!