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"Place Furniture" Button is BLACKED OUT!

Jul 11, 2009
Ok, so I just bought some flowers and plants to put in my castle, and I was trying to decorate it, but it won't let me because the "Place Furniture" button is BLACKED OUT! I can click it, like my screen isn't frozen, but it's just blacked out so it won't let me go to the menu where all of my furniture is. I tried logging off then back on, but that didn't work. So now I can't
1. put IN furniture
2. take OUT furniture

I am SO MAD NOW! Please help!!!!! I'll try to log on completely, and if it doesn't work, then I'll add more to this message later. Ok! I am gonna log on now!!!!

Ok, so I logged COMPLETELY on, and it STILL didn't work. Please do what you can do to fix this bug!!!! Thanks!


P.S. If you can't fix it thats fine...I just would like to decorate my house.
Thanks! And if it still won't work I'll send another message again!

Aug 25, 2009
i am having this problem with house where i cant move certen items that are against the walls they are stuck there its like they are glued to the wall with super glue or something maybe cement