There is a fire pet called the scaryonette that gives 9 cards from just the pet. It gives 3 fire beetles 3 fire traps and 3 fuels. I believe this is a bug as the Ice deckathalon pet used to give 9 cards in test realm and a kingsisle worker on twitter said it was a bug and they changed it to 1 of each card making it 3 in total. I think the scaryonette pet is bugged too. 9 cards from just 1 pet doesnt seem right, not to mention the pet gives 3 fire beetles, a spell that is unfair in pvp and it can stack with normal fire beetles. That makes it impossible to shield vs a fire from second. Please look into this pet. Thanks!
Mattnetic on twitter has said this is fixed for them, but it will not be coming to live until the next major update. Once the next update comes they will be fixed to only give 1 card of 1 spell.