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People Joining Combats

Jan 18, 2009
Have you ever been in the position where someone entering a combat had ruined what you were trying to do?

Sometimes people join and they don't even have any bad intentions, but it can make the battle harder; as I've noticed, most people (almost everyone) that I see take longer to dispatch enemies than I do, or are casting spells inefficiently, and however nice they are, they're no help.

So, I'm suggesting an option for the first player in a combat to deny others the ability to join their combat (obviously not in instances). Of course, there would not be any ability whatsoever for anyone to kick anyone else from a combat, but simply preventing them from joining.

Jul 08, 2009
uune wrote:
Have you ever been in the position where someone entering a combat had ruined what you were trying to do?

Sometimes people join and they don't even have any bad intentions, but it can make the battle harder; as I've noticed, most people (almost everyone) that I see take longer to dispatch enemies than I do, or are casting spells inefficiently, and however nice they are, they're no help.

So, I'm suggesting an option for the first player in a combat to deny others the ability to join their combat (obviously not in instances). Of course, there would not be any ability whatsoever for anyone to kick anyone else from a combat, but simply preventing them from joining.

I had someone port to me during a boss battle, yes my own fault here, and I was fighting the Jade Oni solo to see if I could do it. I was setting uo an epic attack using traps, prism, a feint spell I purchased ect. I had the works on it. Took about 10-15 rounds to get everything set up for the attack and someone port to me. They use a wand attack in my class and all my traps and everything in the Jade Oni went bye bye as did the person who fled wen they say the hit points of the Jade Oni.

I know during many outside battles you can't control who joins your battle. I think all of us have experienced this to some extent. The ironic thing is in my case I think its karma because when I was a noob, I probably did the same thing to others. The worst thing is I probably wasn't aware I did anything to disrupt them.

Jan 07, 2009
uune wrote:
Have you ever been in the position where someone entering a combat had ruined what you were trying to do?

Sometimes people join and they don't even have any bad intentions, but it can make the battle harder; as I've noticed, most people (almost everyone) that I see take longer to dispatch enemies than I do, or are casting spells inefficiently, and however nice they are, they're no help.

So, I'm suggesting an option for the first player in a combat to deny others the ability to join their combat (obviously not in instances). Of course, there would not be any ability whatsoever for anyone to kick anyone else from a combat, but simply preventing them from joining.

Now I have walked into a battle by accident a few times, said I was sorry and checked before I did any attacking. Shields first, then make sure your not going to use someone's feint or trap without asking first.

Tonight I had this person who didn't have traps follow me for almost an hour using my traps and laughing because I was almost dead several times. Everytime I tried to move he would start another fight in the same spot so I was stuck till I got fed up and logged out. With all the severs losing connection the last thing I needed was this person doing this over and over again. My only way out was the one I took, not my usual response but enough is enough. There has to be a way to make these folks not pull this stunt over and over without anything happening to them. It's just plain not fair!