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"Paused" potions still counting down

May 30, 2010
Iridian Winterthorn had a 3 hour double pet experience potion going when the double pet XP thing started. At first it was still clocking down. Lately it's claiming to be paused but every time I change screens I get somewhere between 15 and 45 seconds knocked off the remaining time.

Some of my other wizards had things like fishing luck potions and such going, I think. I don't mind so much the stuff I didn't actually spend crowns or loyalty points for, but I kind of resent that I'm not going to get the benefit of the time that was remaining for the stuff I did spend for.

I can't tell you who had what potions up before I noticed the continuing clocking down. I'd be happy if I could just recoup the time that Iridian had left on her potion once the everything is rewarding thing dies down.