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Obsidian Chests

Jul 23, 2009
I'm not certain if this has been posted before or not. There are an awful lot of topics and I couldn't find a way to search them. But I was wondering what the deal with the obsidian chests are? I can't seem to open them. They show up randomly in boss areas. They taunt me. TAUNT ME! Please someone explain?

Aug 09, 2009
They're for a quest you get in Dragonspyre. There is another thread that I saw somewhere about this, or I wouldn't know; I haven't gotten that far yet.

Dec 20, 2008
Yes the chests are for a Dragonspyre quest and you will be required to go back and open each one. I believe that once you obtain the quest the chest locations will show up on your maps and the quest helper can also be used. Really no need to try and remember where they were all located. Hope this helps.

Thanks, Kieran

Jun 07, 2009
Hello! I recently did the quest for the Obsidian Chests in Dragonspyre. You get it at the Dragonspyre Academy. Yes, the chests show up on your map, but no you cannot use Quest Helper for them. Each chest contains a piece of a Dragon Rider Staff, which you will collect for a quest. Hope that I helped!

Alura DarkThorn
Lvl 45 Death student

Jan 07, 2009
iluvcookies101 wrote:
Hello! I recently did the quest for the Obsidian Chests in Dragonspyre. You get it at the Dragonspyre Academy. Yes, the chests show up on your map, but no you cannot use Quest Helper for them. Each chest contains a piece of a Dragon Rider Staff, which you will collect for a quest. Hope that I helped!

Alura DarkThorn
Lvl 45 Death student

now you took away my fun, play the game and you will get to it....