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NPC dialogue not really kid friendly :/

Mar 29, 2021
I used the search to see whether there was a similar topic, and stumpled upon this thread: "Bosses saying disturbing things". However, it's not just the bosses, NPCs are not exactly picking their words in a kid friendly manner, either.

The most recent example I can think of was the NPC "Eleanor Abernathy", otherwise known as the "Crazy Firecat Lady". It was not just the wording, either ("My sister lives in a poorly decorated house up the street from me, with her Blockhead of a husband, who she stole from me years ago" but also the delivery by the voice actress. All of this was basically yelled in a murderous growl. God.

I'm fine with the time-honored "good vs evil" kind of strife that comes with kid media and is probably good for teaching morals or such something - but this kind of disturbingly specific toxic family relationship is just not that. It's the kind of stuff kids better have less of, quite frankly.

I can't think of specific NPCs, but some bosses struck me the same way. It's a little weird at times, when you play as an adult and wonder about how a kid might take it.

I would just like to leave a suggestion here to maybe overthing this NPCs wording, and ask - has anyone encountered something similar recently?

Aug 02, 2020
I love more mature stuff, but yeah this specific quest made me feel sick. :/ Not because of how the sisters treated each other, it's whatever, it plays into a kind of meme, but omg, I was just like, "LEAVE HER omgg " about the husband. He deserves a happy ending at least, without putting him with the other sister who calls him a blockhead though.

It'd be nice if they redid the ending, getting him to leave them both. At least then I can be happy at the end instead of legitimately having to walk away for a sec to cool off lol.

Mar 29, 2021
Mirabilis on May 15, 2022 wrote:
I used the search to see whether there was a similar topic, and stumpled upon this thread: "Bosses saying disturbing things". However, it's not just the bosses, NPCs are not exactly picking their words in a kid friendly manner, either.

The most recent example I can think of was the NPC "Eleanor Abernathy", otherwise known as the "Crazy Firecat Lady". It was not just the wording, either ("My sister lives in a poorly decorated house up the street from me, with her Blockhead of a husband, who she stole from me years ago" but also the delivery by the voice actress. All of this was basically yelled in a murderous growl. God.

I'm fine with the time-honored "good vs evil" kind of strife that comes with kid media and is probably good for teaching morals or such something - but this kind of disturbingly specific toxic family relationship is just not that. It's the kind of stuff kids better have less of, quite frankly.

I can't think of specific NPCs, but some bosses struck me the same way. It's a little weird at times, when you play as an adult and wonder about how a kid might take it.

I would just like to leave a suggestion here to maybe overthing this NPCs wording, and ask - has anyone encountered something similar recently?
The edit-button never appeared for my post, I am not sure why. :( So here go my corrections:

1. stumbled upon this thread

2. “with her blockhead of a husband, whom she stole from me years ago”

3. or some such thing

4. maybe rethink this NPCs wording

Sorry, but English is not my first nor my second language, so I have to edit sometimes. :/

Feb 12, 2015
I, too, found this a little disquieting. Need we all be reminded that there are children playing this game?

This kind of dialogue does not belong in this game. In my opinion, it needs to be edited.