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noticed glitches.... and some solutions

Dec 14, 2008
I have been noticing that in the friendly zones and commons I have been receiving other peoples messages :?
like for example in mooshu when you talk to the great modhha it talks to everyone in the zone...... also in yoshihito temple when you are suppose to capture the spirit and ride across the broken bridge...... when they try to cross the ghost talks to everyone.....
also in marleybone ticket station glitches were if someone tries to go on a boat without a ticket it says to everyone that you do not have a ticket. ;)

also blades have been switching without you changing it
for example I cast a death blade on myself and it is set to go to the eye marking ( which is me ) randomly while waiting it changes to star ( the person that is left of me ) and I re-change it but it just goes BACK to star very annoying....

power pips...... they seem to be NOT WORKING! I went a whole battle in DS without power pips.... ( 22 rounds ) and I have a 45% power pip chance that is almost impossible....... and thats it

ALSO THANK YOU KI FOR FIXING FIZZLE!!!!! :-D ( well i think lol )

my last glitch is that the hopscotch mat can not be moved after placing it in your house.... so beware

friend in full instance..... SOLUTION tell your friend to toggle their teleport on off.... hit ok button... and then change it to on.... this is up till they fix glitch.

stuck on download? if you are simple solution..... uninstall and reinstall and it should work..... but the thing I dont like is the loading.... again this works they tll they fix glitch

well hope this helped and warned people about glitches.....

good luck out there :-D