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No Recipe given 4 "Seal of 7 Seas" Quest??

Mar 31, 2012
ok, so.....

Got the quest to the Seal of the Seven Seas Amulet.

(For Grand Master Artisan, in Celestia, on the floating land)

The quest instructions state " I will sell you the recipe and some of the ingrediants"...........etc.

However , no "Recipe" or "Ingrediants" were ever sold. Nothing!!

Now I looked up the ingrediants, so I do have them all but obviously I cant craft an Amulet without the Recipe to put into the Crafting Station!

So now what do I do?

I have gone back to the location of the 7 Seas Amulet quest several times and checked if it was just a 1 time glitch, that I missed out on the Recipe. Nope, this thing is perminent.

I cannot craft a recipe that I dont have.

Does somebody know about this? Has this happened to someone else?

Can I get the Recipe from another location?

If so, why does the Quest state clearly in the dialog "I will sell you the Recipe and Ingrediants" ??

Donna Goldenmask, Legendary Conjurer, School of Myth level 61

Jul 03, 2010
When you are given the quest for this amulet you are given the recipe in your backpack, look though your recipes it should be there, there is not separate buying to get it. This quest levels you up in crafting and you do not have to take the tea set from peake to accomplish this.

Mar 18, 2009
Have you checked your recipe tab under amulet?????

You are given the recipe automatically and for free.

Jan 24, 2010

The recipe should be in your recipe collection. It is given to you when you accept the quest. Look in your backpack, click the crafting icon, click the amulet icon, look for the Seal of the Seven Seas recipe. Should be there.

Good luck, and may you be blessed with large quantities of golden pearls,

Qbb, Iridian Shadowweaver/Moira Shadowmancer, Legendary Artisans

May 07, 2011
Dec 09, 2008
He gives you the recipe automaticly. Check your recipes under amulets and it should be there.

May 08, 2009
I had the same problem a couple of days ago. Unless it is some type of glitch, check your crafting page in your spell book and look under amulets. You should have the recipe there