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No More Packs from Grub Guardian

May 21, 2017
I am using the iOS 11 Grub Guardian from the Apple App Store.
Has anyone been able to farm one map for packs?
Because I've done a few maps multiple times, and despite getting multiple Packs the very first time I did Cloudburst Forest, I can do the map over and over again for 3 days and get nothing.

I reencountered this problem in Tanglewood Way. Here is a list of the rewards I got:

Bought Wysteria 7/18, reached Tanglewood Way early morning 7/19

5485 1000 gold/grub shield
5488 800 gold/grub shield
5498 dragon hoard pack/grub shield (high score)
5505 major xp boost elixir(high score)
5504 dragon’s hoard pack
5493 raven’s hoard pack
5504 dragon’s hoard pack, Ambrose bomb

11:10 I hit the max amount of prizes for that day

5501 1000 gold/grub shield
5506 1000 gold
12:54 hit the max

5492 major xp elixir
5484 large wooden zebra head/grub shield
5493 1200 gold/instant upgrade
5494 large wooden zebra head
5475 major xp elixir
5490 800 gold
5493 1200 gold/instant upgrade
5489 1000 gold
5492 1000 gold/ambrose bomb
5509 large wooden zebra head/grub shield (high score)
5492 large wooden zebra head
5495 800 gold/grub shield
4983 vengeful elixir/ambrose bomb
5504 800 gold
5498 800 gold
5491 1000 gold/grub shield

I don't understand. Is there a cool down for prizes? I haven't seen anyone else report this
Also, in both Tanglewood Way and Cloudburst Forest, I seem to get a lot of Large Wooden Zebra Heads. Is this intentional? It seems the Zebra Heads are in the places Packs would drop.