i have been asking around in a few discord channels and no one really knows if its intentional or not but before last nights patch greyflame was droping 3 extract per fight which made it less of a hassle farming viggors drake and now greyflame doesnt even drop one anymore me and a handful of people would generally like to know if it is since a lot of helpful things in this game are getting "fixed" (messed up) with some of these changes
General Greyflame's loot has been adjusted due to her placement inside the instance.
im not even gonna argue with this because no matter what i say matters and its sadly pretty obvious nowadays unfortunately.. but i will say this all this if the drop was to take the vanguard robes out of her drop table im entirely fine with that i think a lot of people are and were but to take her dropping 3 extract each go as well as the occasional salt and crystals that isnt fair in anyway possible... im honestly to the point where im just gonna stick with paradox because its not a struggle to farm nor is it hard to make the alphoi version of it which is pretty much the same stats just a crafting option which its recipe is immensely more fair than vanguard/dragoon less stressful too