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New Teleport Effect

Aug 08, 2015
Can you please modify the new sun teleport to make it less bright? Or at least add a setting so we don't have to see it as bright? It actually hurts my eyes.

Jan 18, 2010
I agree,

It is a bit too bright.

Have a setting to adjust the brightness or tone it down a bit.

Oct 12, 2017
Try turning your game brightness down. In the meantime i do agree because not only players like to spam teleport to friends with the emote, but the teleport itself is very large for some reason, like it covers a twice bigger space than other teleports which does cause a huge flash in your entire screen. So this can be a problem for players with slower computers or weak visions

May 11, 2012
Erica LifePetal on Aug 23, 2019 wrote:
Can you please modify the new sun teleport to make it less bright? Or at least add a setting so we don't have to see it as bright? It actually hurts my eyes.
I agree.

The new sun teleport effect does tend to take over an area. It is especially bright and hard to see when the person teleports right next to you.