with the new bank interface, i just try to sort spellements by how many and it closed the game on me, it also saying the wrong number of spellements that i have in my shared bank
When I try to transfer spellmentals to my back pack it limits how many I can transfer if it even says the right amount. I had 2 angry snow pigs and it said it transfered 18 but there were only 2 more in my shared bank and it says I can only have 100. And when I tried to tansfere the last item in my backpack of a robe to the shared bank, the item did not say no transfer, it wouldn't transfer.
Hello KI, I found a problem with the way you set up the new bank system. When you look in your backpack and you search for a certain item by name. Example when I search for moonstones and I want to put them into my shared bank. I cannot transfer them since I did it by using a search word even though I'm trying to transfer items from my backpack to my shared bank they will not transfer since I looked it up by using a search word. However it will work if I manually go through my backpack and look for the item by name. Please look into this matter. I'm sure it's just a bug of some sort since you have updated the system thank you.
Hi awesome Wiz team, The new banking system is fantastic. It saves so much time transferring multiple seeds in and out. Also going forwards and backwards between pages (ie. clothing, housing, etc).
I have found one bug so far. When I went to take multiple items of clothing out of my bank, I could only take one or two out. This is the same for hats, robes, shoes, athanes, etc. When I clicked the first, it would transfer it. Then if I selected the top item, or just clicked on backpack, it wouldn't let me transfer it. Then I tried clicking the second one in the list and it transferred the top one instead. It's a small bug, and you can easily work around it by pulling only two out, exiting and then re-entering the bank.
If I transfer too many seeds, the screen goes black with a message saying, 'BANK Your transaction was not successful. OK'
The game becomes darker and darker the more items were transferred. I then have to click OK as many times as items that went over the limit. I get back to being able to see the game by clicking x amount of times.
If I transfer too many seeds, the screen goes black with a message saying, 'BANK Your transaction was not successful. OK'
The game becomes darker and darker the more items were transferred. I then have to click OK as many times as items that went over the limit. I get back to being able to see the game by clicking x amount of times.
Hey there, thank you so much for reaching out about this! The team is aware and are working on a fix!
I just noticed that many of my reagents have disappeared from my shared bank. also, the icons for bank, shared bank, and backpack are not in consistent place and are also mixed up. I highlight backpack and see it as bank, or bank as backpack, etc.
I love being able to sort and have filters and more categories!
There are some errors with the icons that are confusing.
Yesterday when my bank was full of gear I couldn’t transfer spellements or reagents to my backpack from my shared bank, and those items weren’t full in my backpack. It said my bank was full and it was greyed out and there wasn’t a backpack button at all, and spellements and reagents can’t be stored in the bank anyway. I removed items from my bank but still couldn’t transfer anything to my backpack, I had to exit the character. When I went back in the bank icon was still there but it wasn’t greyed out anymore, the text said “move to backpack,” and it finally let me transfer items. I kept cleaning stuff out and transferring between characters and at some point later I noticed the bank icon was a backpack again.
In one of the reagents tabs the backpack button has a bank icon. On the backpack screen there’s an option to move reagents to the bank even though they can’t be stored there, and the button doesn’t work.
If I sort reagents and then transfer one the sorting immediately reverts.
I'm having similar issues as others are with the new bank interface. For me, its only limited to transferring spellements, but that's it. Gear, jewels, reagents, pets, etc... no problem. Example, I have a lvl 2 wizard that only holds spellements for my main account. Before the bank update, I could easily move spellements from that wizard to another wizard via the shared bank. Now, I can't do that. What I can do, however, is move any spellements that are in the shared bank without any issues. Its quite frustrating. Guess what I'll do now is place all spellements within the shared bank so this issues hopefully won't happen again.
I posted this in another thread but I think this might be a better place for it - my bank is now showing duplicates of items in my bank when I'm sure I don't have duplicates. Under the # tab in the bank interface, it shows 2's by items that I'm sure aren't duplicates. For example, I have one of each item of Cabal gear (hat, robe, boots) in my backpack, and through the backpack interface I can see I only have 1 of each item, but my bank says I have 2. I got pack gear from the loyalty store, as well, and transferred it into my shared bank, and it's showing that gear has 2 of each item.
This is potentially a major bug and possibly a glitch. I don't want anyone (least of all me!) to get banned for this.
i commend KI’s initiative to revamp the UI of a feature as old as our bank. sadly, there are a LOT of issues & bugs with it, as the community has noticed. i wanted to weigh in with my own compilation of issues i’ve experienced, comments i have, & ideas to improve things. sorry in advance for any formatting errors.
overall color palette — i've seen many players comment that the bright yellow text on the light blue & green background is eye-straining. my opinion, if anything, is to change the default text color, most probably to black or even a dark blue. if it's changed to black, then the text or background color of the headers (“sch” “lvl” “name” “#” etc.) could change color too.
no highlight on selected items — it’s hard to tell which item you’ve selected to do something with in the new UI; the only indication is the left-side item view window. a simple selection highlight of some kind is necessary.
transfer buttons’ size is small — since the main function of the bank is transferring items across our inventories, i agree with comments that the actual transfer buttons are oddly downplayed visually. they’re pretty small & are only the basic inventory icons with no visuals indicating their “move to [inventory]” function. the icons could use at least a minor visual change (e.g. add a movement arrow pointing into/at them), but maybe consider making the buttons larger/wider too. this could happen by making the capacity count areas next to the buttons less wide.
no “locked item” indication — you can’t tell what items are locked VS. not at a glance. the only way to tell is to hover over the “trash” icon for a given item. even a simple visual like the locked symbol somewhere would help a lot.
locked items display an extra inaccurate item # count — locking an item seems to add an extra # count to it in the new UI, showing you as having an extra copy of that item that you don’t actually have. examples: i have 2 locked myth-giver jewels in my backpack, but the new bank UI displays their # count as 4; i have 1 locked alpine hunter tuke (hat) in my backpack, but the new bank UI displays its # count as 2. when unlocked or equipped, the item count appears correctly. this is confusing for inventory management, so it definitely needs a fix.
vague tool-tip for item count/inventory capacity areas — referring specifically to those areas next to the transfer buttons i mentioned earlier, which display either a given inventory’s capacity (gear, furniture, & jewels section) OR how much of a selected item you already have in a given inventory (reagents & spellements sections). i think a more informative tool-tip would be helpful — making the one for the gear, furniture, & jewels sections read as, for example, “#/150 full” instead of just “#/150” while the one in the reagents & spellements sections reads as “# inside backpack/shared bank” instead of just “#.” this could make these areas of the UI a bit less confusing to interpret on the fly.
incorrect/confusing text colors for unusable items — specifically, an item that’s for my level but NOT for my school will still have the default yellow text color as if it’s an item my wizard can use (which it never will be because it’s school-locked). i think the text color for school-locked items should instead have a greyed-out look like before & like how it looks in the backpack to clearly show that the item is not (and never will be) usable on that character. for comparison: if an item is for my school but not YET for my level, it will show up with red text in the new bank, which makes sense. fully unusable items appearing like usable items does not make sense, hence i think this issue needs a fix.
issues transferring spellements at correct # counts — a confusing issue, so i'm sorry for the bad description. when transferring spellements across inventories, the amount i can do so is arbitrarily (?) either well below OR well above the actual amount i have. examples: i have 88 blood bat spellements, but the new bank UI only lets me transfer up to 41 at a time — even when i only have 6 blood bat spellements left over after 2 transfers. meanwhile, i have 4 storm shark spellements, but the new bank UI lets me transfer up to 17, though doing this seems to only actually transfer the real 4 that i have. these are not the actual numbers i always experienced; it seemed to change every time i used the bank. this issue also didn’t happen with EVERY spellement; for example, i have 599 daybreaker spellements, and the new bank UI lets me transfer the correct amount all at once. this is a very strange & frustrating issue to deal with.
“transfer” buttons ordered questionably — this may just be my opinion, but in every inventory, it feels like the transfer buttons are sorted “backwards.” to be specific, i mean how A) the first button listed in your bank is “move to shared bank” instead of “move to backpack”; B) the first button listed in your backpack is “move to shared bank” instead of “move to bank”; and C) the first button listed in your shared bank is “move to bank” instead of “move to backpack." this doesn't feel intuitive because i think it’s more common to move an item from your bank into your backpack & from your shared bank into your backpack. it also just feels odd to prioritize the shared bank button over the bank button when in your backpack, when usually the bank is where you sort items into first — especially if you only have one or two characters. why not organize the buttons based on the more common behavior in each inventory? i hope this makes sense. again, maybe just me?
redundant “move items” # slider for single items — specifically in the reagents & spellements sections, when there’s only one item to move, the slider to move multiple items still shows up. this is clunky & adds unnecessary extra clicks.
glitched UI for the search bar & inventory capacity — after the most recent patch, the search bar and the inventory capacity text at the bottom of the UI appear to be incorrectly swapped. this makes the text difficult to read with how they clip into the UI, and it makes using the search bar more difficult since it sits “outside” of the correct UI area.
IDEA: add the “all items” category to the gear & furniture sections for all inventories — one thing i've seen discussed is how the search function kinda falls short because you still have to go through each individual gear or furniture item category to find what you’ve searched for. for example, if you want to search for all your “night mire” gear, you still have to go through each gear category (hat, robe, boots, etc.) to find everything. i think adding an “all items” category for gear & furniture, like we have in the regular backpack, would fix this issue. the reagents, jewels, & spellements section have “all items” categories already, so this change would create consistency.
==== with all that said, there’s probably more bugs & issues that i missed or have not witnessed enough to describe well. if i find another set of issues or have new comments, i will add them to this post.
the new bank UI is going in the right direction, but the MANY oddities need fixes. i hope this compilation helps KI identify & correct more issues. thanks for your time.
It looks like the patch went through and the search filter now allows us to move filtered items, but the visual is off. Not sure I can describe it well, but for me, I need to click about halfway into the search field to get the cursor to show, and the text along the whole bottom row of the UI is wonky.
The new filter and move function is a LIFECHANGER though, thank you!
I've noticed two problems with the shared bank in the last few days. Firstly and least importantly there's a visual collection saying you have double the items than you have. For example the 30 day Stormzilla mount, it says I have six. When I really have three.
The more important issue is the ability to remove spellements out of the shared bank to my wizard. I am only able to take out a maximum of two at a time. I should be able to remove all 70 odd in one go. Please can you fix this as soon as possible.
i commend KI’s initiative to revamp the UI of a feature as old as our bank. sadly, there are a LOT of issues & bugs with it, as the community has noticed. i wanted to weigh in with my own compilation of issues i’ve experienced, comments i have, & ideas to improve things. sorry in advance for any formatting errors.
overall color palette — i've seen many players comment that the bright yellow text on the light blue & green background is eye-straining. my opinion, if anything, is to change the default text color, most probably to black or even a dark blue. if it's changed to black, then the text or background color of the headers (“sch” “lvl” “name” “#” etc.) could change color too.
no highlight on selected items — it’s hard to tell which item you’ve selected to do something with in the new UI; the only indication is the left-side item view window. a simple selection highlight of some kind is necessary.
transfer buttons’ size is small — since the main function of the bank is transferring items across our inventories, i agree with comments that the actual transfer buttons are oddly downplayed visually. they’re pretty small & are only the basic inventory icons with no visuals indicating their “move to [inventory]” function. the icons could use at least a minor visual change (e.g. add a movement arrow pointing into/at them), but maybe consider making the buttons larger/wider too. this could happen by making the capacity count areas next to the buttons less wide.
no “locked item” indication — you can’t tell what items are locked VS. not at a glance. the only way to tell is to hover over the “trash” icon for a given item. even a simple visual like the locked symbol somewhere would help a lot.
locked items display an extra inaccurate item # count — locking an item seems to add an extra # count to it in the new UI, showing you as having an extra copy of that item that you don’t actually have. examples: i have 2 locked myth-giver jewels in my backpack, but the new bank UI displays their # count as 4; i have 1 locked alpine hunter tuke (hat) in my backpack, but the new bank UI displays its # count as 2. when unlocked or equipped, the item count appears correctly. this is confusing for inventory management, so it definitely needs a fix.
vague tool-tip for item count/inventory capacity areas — referring specifically to those areas next to the transfer buttons i mentioned earlier, which display either a given inventory’s capacity (gear, furniture, & jewels section) OR how much of a selected item you already have in a given inventory (reagents & spellements sections). i think a more informative tool-tip would be helpful — making the one for the gear, furniture, & jewels sections read as, for example, “#/150 full” instead of just “#/150” while the one in the reagents & spellements sections reads as “# inside backpack/shared bank” instead of just “#.” this could make these areas of the UI a bit less confusing to interpret on the fly.
incorrect/confusing text colors for unusable items — specifically, an item that’s for my level but NOT for my school will still have the default yellow text color as if it’s an item my wizard can use (which it never will be because it’s school-locked). i think the text color for school-locked items should instead have a greyed-out look like before & like how it looks in the backpack to clearly show that the item is not (and never will be) usable on that character. for comparison: if an item is for my school but not YET for my level, it will show up with red text in the new bank, which makes sense. fully unusable items appearing like usable items does not make sense, hence i think this issue needs a fix.
issues transferring spellements at correct # counts — a confusing issue, so i'm sorry for the bad description. when transferring spellements across inventories, the amount i can do so is arbitrarily (?) either well below OR well above the actual amount i have. examples: i have 88 blood bat spellements, but the new bank UI only lets me transfer up to 41 at a time — even when i only have 6 blood bat spellements left over after 2 transfers. meanwhile, i have 4 storm shark spellements, but the new bank UI lets me transfer up to 17, though doing this seems to only actually transfer the real 4 that i have. these are not the actual numbers i always experienced; it seemed to change every time i used the bank. this issue also didn’t happen with EVERY spellement; for example, i have 599 daybreaker spellements, and the new bank UI lets me transfer the correct amount all at once. this is a very strange & frustrating issue to deal with.
“transfer” buttons ordered questionably — this may just be my opinion, but in every inventory, it feels like the transfer buttons are sorted “backwards.” to be specific, i mean how A) the first button listed in your bank is “move to shared bank” instead of “move to backpack”; B) the first button listed in your backpack is “move to shared bank” instead of “move to bank”; and C) the first button listed in your shared bank is “move to bank” instead of “move to backpack." this doesn't feel intuitive because i think it’s more common to move an item from your bank into your backpack & from your shared bank into your backpack. it also just feels odd to prioritize the shared bank button over the bank button when in your backpack, when usually the bank is where you sort items into first — especially if you only have one or two characters. why not organize the buttons based on the more common behavior in each inventory? i hope this makes sense. again, maybe just me?
redundant “move items” # slider for single items — specifically in the reagents & spellements sections, when there’s only one item to move, the slider to move multiple items still shows up. this is clunky & adds unnecessary extra clicks.
glitched UI for the search bar & inventory capacity — after the most recent patch, the search bar and the inventory capacity text at the bottom of the UI appear to be incorrectly swapped. this makes the text difficult to read with how they clip into the UI, and it makes using the search bar more difficult since it sits “outside” of the correct UI area.
IDEA: add the “all items” category to the gear & furniture sections for all inventories — one thing i've seen discussed is how the search function kinda falls short because you still have to go through each individual gear or furniture item category to find what you’ve searched for. for example, if you want to search for all your “night mire” gear, you still have to go through each gear category (hat, robe, boots, etc.) to find everything. i think adding an “all items” category for gear & furniture, like we have in the regular backpack, would fix this issue. the reagents, jewels, & spellements section have “all items” categories already, so this change would create consistency.
==== with all that said, there’s probably more bugs & issues that i missed or have not witnessed enough to describe well. if i find another set of issues or have new comments, i will add them to this post.
the new bank UI is going in the right direction, but the MANY oddities need fixes. i hope this compilation helps KI identify & correct more issues. thanks for your time.
Can you test to see if you experience the following bug/glitch:
When looking in your bank, press B to look in the backpack or press I to look at pet, or Y (jewels), U (housing), J (recipes) (why is J not for jewels?)
For me, the bug is the bank instantly closes when pressing any of those keyboard buttons.
Can you test to see if you experience the following bug/glitch:
When looking in your bank, press B to look in the backpack or press I to look at pet, or Y (jewels), U (housing), J (recipes) (why is J not for jewels?)
For me, the bug is the bank instantly closes when pressing any of those keyboard buttons.
yes, i did experience this too, and clicking the spellbook to open my backpack does the same thing. its similar to other UI interactions in this game, where they override or overlap each other in strange ways, and closing out of an interface doesnt work like one would expect. it's definitely odd to deal with.
sorry for the double post/fast reply, but i found more bugs when working with spellements in the new UI.
first is the visual bugs that happen only after i sort spellements by rank OR # count. when i do this & then transfer any amount of a spellement below the total amount of it i have, it will still appear as if i transferred all of that spellement, which makes that spellement's entry disappear completely from the UI.
example 1: i have 2 queen calypso spellements. i opt to move only 1, but when i do so, the queen calypso spellements disappear completely as if i moved all 2 spellements. when i switch to the shared bank though, it shows the 1 calypso spellement i opted to transfer, and when i check my backpack, i still have 1 calypso spellement left there. when i reopen my bank, i can see that 1 calypso spellement in the UI again.
meanwhile, if i opt to move 2 calypso spellements (or more, since the inaccurate # count bugs i mentioned in my first reply still happen, e.g. UI lets me move up to 23 calypsos), the same thing happens, except i actually DO move the total 2 spellements i have.
example 2: i have 87 dark & stormy spellements, but the new UI only lets me transfer up to 19 (again because of the inaccurate # count bugs). but when i do this after sorting my spellements by rank or # count, it again appears as if i moved all my dark & stormy spellements, making them disappear completely from the new UI. i have to reopen my bank to see the dark & stormy spellements there again — and i have to do this over and over and over again since the UI only lets me move up to 19 (or 13, or 25, or 36, etc...) spellements at a time.
another related bug happens after i sort the spellements specifically by school in the "all spellements" tab. when i do this & then move any amount of a specified spellement, the school sorting i picked is cancelled & reverted to the default alphabetical name sorting. the # count changes accurately, and no spellements seem to visually disappear, but this is otherwise a disorienting bug that makes it so i have to re-sort my spellements by school every time i transfer anything. granted, i could just use the individual school categories, but this is nonetheless an issue with the school sorting function not actually functioning like it should.
hope these explanations made sense. if they don't though, don't worry... they barely make sense to me. i'm getting a headache trying to understand what's going on with spellements in the new bank. i seriously wish KI luck fixing all this.
Hey all, we should be getting a patch in for the new bank, hopefully you'll see a fix soon.
It's a month later since the last response here. How much more time should we expect KI to need before all of these issues get fixed?
I fed some Tapestries that the shared bank showed I had duplicates of (Tapestry to Bastion and another). I had them locked which made the share bank show me them as if I had 2 of each. In order to make a little bit of space, I fed them to my pet. I trusted the game. People are losing items in trusting the game to not give the wrong information.
Please give an update on all the issues discussed in this Topic from everyone who posted all the various problems.
PS: Can someone explain what the Filter is. I don't even trust it to experiment with until ALL these issues are addressed.
It's a month later since the last response here. How much more time should we expect KI to need before all of these issues get fixed?
I fed some Tapestries that the shared bank showed I had duplicates of (Tapestry to Bastion and another). I had them locked which made the share bank show me them as if I had 2 of each. In order to make a little bit of space, I fed them to my pet. I trusted the game. People are losing items in trusting the game to not give the wrong information.
Please give an update on all the issues discussed in this Topic from everyone who posted all the various problems.
PS: Can someone explain what the Filter is. I don't even trust it to experiment with until ALL these issues are addressed.
It has been a while. However, the team has been working on a fix. Hopefully you'll see it soon.
was farming on my storm for emp's when putting the one i thought i had into the shared bank it was saying i had two, when taking them back out to put in a seed vault on my fire it said that i only had 1
Just returned to the game after a couple months away, and noticed the new interface. There's some overlapping text, weird spellement transfer issues, etc. I appreciate the changes to make the UI more browsable especially with spellements, but these sorts of issues feel like things that should've been caught in a test realm or caught by other QC teams.
I'm not 100% sure when this started, but it's happened a few times now where whenever I try to move spellements into my shared bank, it glitches out very weirdly. First, I might be able to move a whole stack at once, but then after that I can only move 5 at a time, and then that number goes up when I deposit it. For instance, if it'll let me only move 5 spellements at once, I'll move those five into my bank and then when I try to put more into my bank, the number will go up to 6 that I can put in at once, and it keeps going up. It's even gone past however many I had, I've had it tell me I'm putting in 100 of something before when I had like 2. It's also gone down before, where the amount I'm able to put in decreases when I put a stack in.
I am noticing errors when completing transactions of moving items to backpack-bank-shared bank. Specifically the amount of stone/gold/wooden keys is now changing where I am potentially losing keys when moving from backpack to bank. Is this something that will be fixed or is there any insight into this issue. Thank you!
I'm not 100% sure when this started, but it's happened a few times now where whenever I try to move spellements into my shared bank, it glitches out very weirdly. First, I might be able to move a whole stack at once, but then after that I can only move 5 at a time, and then that number goes up when I deposit it. For instance, if it'll let me only move 5 spellements at once, I'll move those five into my bank and then when I try to put more into my bank, the number will go up to 6 that I can put in at once, and it keeps going up. It's even gone past however many I had, I've had it tell me I'm putting in 100 of something before when I had like 2. It's also gone down before, where the amount I'm able to put in decreases when I put a stack in.
This is exactly what I mean when I talk about weird issues. The slider indicating how many I can move over is not consistent.
Sometimes it's perfectly accurate (usually at the start of a play session), sometimes it has an arbitrary sliding cap that increments by 1 each time I perform a transfer. The cap can then exceed the actual item stack available to transfer. It doesn't duplicate spellements, but it makes me not want to attempt transferring reagents or snacks because it feels like it would be a waste of time.
Overall, while more useful as it lets me filter what spellements I transfer to and from each wizard much more quickly, the text is still not clearly legible and the item stack issues makes the user experience overall worse.