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My name doesn't appear anymore

May 07, 2009
The names on my family account don't appear over any of our heads anymore :? What is causing this? One of my children is under 13 and people can't tell so they try to talk to him. Which is fine because he can't see what they say but it is very frustrating
Alura LotusSong

When you mouse over a player, their nametag will always appear.

You can determine what names appear as part of the Options menu.

When you're in Wizard101, press the Esc key.
Click the third tab at the top.

First selection: Overhead Names
None - sets it to show absolute no nametags unless you mouse over someone.
Players - sets it to show nametags of every player but not creatures or items.
Non-Players - sets it to show nametags of non players including creatures and items.
All Others - sets it to show everyone else's nametag but not your own, and not creatures or items.
Everyone - sets it to show all nametags including your own.
