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Monsters Should Stick To Their Schools!

Feb 08, 2009
I have a lot of expereince playing this game, but what I seem to notice is that most monsters dont stick to there school. These are some spells that I see every monster with now a days.

Weakness--25% balance
HeckHound-125 per pip over 3 turns fire
Black Mantle- -45% accuracy balance
these are the most common spells I see every monster having.
It is really annoying to have a boss in dragonspyre weaknessing you so your attacks dont do much and then they destroy you with attacks after they get more pips.

(some other things that are bugging me)

1. When I was fighting in the Tower of War in ds every monster weaknessed me and i died even thoguh I am Balance-Life-Death izard

2. some monsters are using spells opposite(there weakness) there school like in mooshu ninja pigs are using storm attacks instead of myth and in ds death using life

3. How come all monsters have mutated version of some of the most popular moves

Like when animated lava(Tower of War) use Fire Kraken it gets on my nerves that they can mutatae spells like that. Or a magma colossus, Fire wyvern, Ice, fire, Shark, ice fire bats, ect ect at least make mutations availible in some kind of store

Wolf ShadowBreaker lvl 44 Sorcerer :-o

May 29, 2009

Why should they stick to their own schools? Do you stick purely to your own school's spells? It makes the game more interesting and challenging. Besides, these are fairly minor spells from other schools, it's not as if they're casting judgment or wild bolt on you. All of their non-primary school spells can be countered with good strategy.

MasterColeman wrote:
I have a lot of expereince playing this game, but what I seem to notice is that most monsters dont stick to there school. These are some spells that I see every monster with now a days.

Weakness--25% balance
HeckHound-125 per pip over 3 turns fire
Black Mantle- -45% accuracy balance
these are the most common spells I see every monster having.
It is really annoying to have a boss in dragonspyre weaknessing you so your attacks dont do much and then they destroy you with attacks after they get more pips.

(some other things that are bugging me)

1. When I was fighting in the Tower of War in ds every monster weaknessed me and i died even thoguh I am Balance-Life-Death izard

2. some monsters are using spells opposite(there weakness) there school like in mooshu ninja pigs are using storm attacks instead of myth and in ds death using life

3. How come all monsters have mutated version of some of the most popular moves

Like when animated lava(Tower of War) use Fire Kraken it gets on my nerves that they can mutatae spells like that. Or a magma colossus, Fire wyvern, Ice, fire, Shark, ice fire bats, ect ect at least make mutations availible in some kind of store

Wolf ShadowBreaker lvl 44 Sorcerer :-o

Feb 08, 2009