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Messed up settings now cant play.

Jan 21, 2009
When I was playing the other night I was messing around with the texture details and I accidentley set the details to high and now it wont load.I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game but that didnt work,I tried fixing it through the properties settings and that didnt work either.So I was wondering if anybody can help with it because I dont wanna start all over.Sorry for any miss spellings or anything like that.


That's pretty simple. Double click on your Wizard101 desktop icon.
At the page where you enter your username/password - just to the left of the Username field is a "settings" button. Click it.
The first tab is labeled "Dialog" - mid way down is a button that says, "Reset to Default". Click it.

That should do the trick! Holler if you have more troubles!

Jan 21, 2009
Thank you Mr.Lincoln I will certainly try that to see if that does the trick and ok will do.