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Medusa in turn based PVP

Dec 26, 2010
I suppose this could go into the pvp part of the forums as well but to me it is more of a bug than anything else. I was doing a pvp turn based tournament and used my Medusa tc cards. Medusa even as a tc should have stunned my opponent for 2 turns. It did not it only stunned them for one. Turn based is different from a regular tourney but if a spell is supposed to stun for 2 turns then that should still stun for 2 of their turns not one of their turns and then my turn count as the second (I believe this might be what happened though I'm not sure). That extra turn where my opponent was not stunned as they should have been made a big difference to my match that left me losing. Please fix this so that turn based recognizes double stun as a stun that takes 2 of my opponents turns.

Jan 02, 2011
Hi there!

I understand where you're coming from but I don't think that's how it works.

Medusa stuns for 2 rounds, whether it's in regular or turn-based PvP. When it is your turn, that is one round. When it is the other players turn, that is one round. So this is not a glitch

I'm not 100% percent sure because I don't do turn based PvP often, but I hope I somehow helped!

Jack Legend

Dec 31, 2009
This has been bugged since turn based was in test realm, certain spells count rounds instead of turns and this obviously needs to be worked out by KI if this were to ever go into ranked