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Maze Game stopped working

Jan 11, 2015
While in the middle of playing the pet game Maze Game, points stopped being counted and I couldn't pick up any of the snacks even though I was passing through them, and the timer was still counting down. A few seconds later it started to work again, but it almost caused me to lose the game.

Jun 19, 2010
I have had the same problem more than several times since the new pet system training was launched. I love the maze game, it is my preferred way to train a pet. But I have switched to Grumpy Gobblers for now, it will sometimes lag, but hasn't just failed to let me finish the training session. Unlike the original post, once it gets the glitch, my only option is to let the timer run out, then I need to do the "ctrl, alt, delete" keys to get to the task manager to shut the game down. It is very frustrating when I am almost out of energy and only need one more run to achieve the max. points for pet training. When it does the "stall" on collecting the items and time runs out, I do not get credit, but I do lose my energy.

I have noticed quite a few lock-ups, jumps to other areas in the same world and several other things that make me think "gee that is odd, never saw that before" seems they began shortly after the new Apple "fix" was instituted. Not sure if it is conflicting in the Wizard program, or just coincidental. Last Beast moon I encountered many "orange chain of death" and only solution was close out the game and reboot before logging back on.

I checked several other games and other areas on the web - not a single glitch, lock-up or disconnect - except in Wizard101 - so this leads me to believe it is something in Wizards, not my computer or service provider.

I am using a HP Touchsmart PC with Windows 7.