I have been told by several people that the Mander Savior badge is earned by completing the Bequiler quest. I have gone through this quest 3 times and have yet to receive this badge. Does the badge actually come from this quest or am I missing something while doing it? Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.
it comes from finishing the optional instance called Tomb of the Beguiler, next to the Tomb of Storms. There is a mander standing outside the entrance. is this the same one you're talking about, or is there also a regular quest called "beguiler"?
That's the one I'm talking about. I've finished it three times and still no badge. Either I'm missing something or there is some sort of bug with the quest that's preventing the badge from be rewarded.
The badges don't all appear on the first page. You may have a badge on the 6th page even though pages 4 and 5 have no revealed badges on them. If you've looked through all of your badge pages then I would suggest submitting a Support request through the Help tab on the left side of the web page.
I'm having the same problem, I've done the quest twice, with my brother, and the second time we thought maybe you weren't supposed to use a potion or something, and we didn't, but we still didn't get the badge.