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Main Quest/Quest Finder

Sep 10, 2018
Unable to face Foul Gaze or obtain the quest itself(From what I've been told). Quest finder states there are no longer any quests availible in the area. No quests has a star in the corners as to indicate Main Quest.

Ambrose insists on needing to ponder there next move but will not continue dialogue past that point as to give quest. Each boss and quest has been completed in Triton, Cyclops, and FireCat alley(Doubling back to check npcs that have quests regarding main quests yield no results). Majority of side quests completed up to this point, others that require Colossus Boulevard are unable to be accessed as the guard requires Ambrose's approval to allow me in.

Recently completed a quest by the name of "Oil Rush" which I was told is a retired quest. Uncertain if that has anything to do with it. Also experienced different dialogue in Fireglobe theatre from rest of party members.

So... I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'll leave a few more details if it helps.

Wizard: Angus Silverstone
Class: Ice
Level: 12
Membership: Yes