So recently since the new W101 update that allows mac users to play on Catalina, the game is absolutely awful in terms of connectivity. Whether it’s “connection lost”, randomly disconnecting from the internet for minutes at a time and then reconnecting and doing it all over again or even just freezing and never reconnecting. This is quite frustrating as I’m a paying member. I’ve called apple as well as my internet company and they’ve both confirmed that my computer and internet, respectively, are not the problems. Whenever I’m doing schoolwork or zooming or even watching Netflix on my computer, there are no problems, however, when I play W101 I can never go 5 minutes without a connectivity issue. I’ve restarted my computer, restarted my router and even reinstalled the game dozens of times and nothing works. I’m hoping there’s a fix for this ? I’m also hoping that I’m not the only one I’ve also contacted support and they directed me to codeweavers, who hasn’t responded to me in almost a week, so hopefully we can resolve this because I’d love to get back to playing!
I use Mac, and I've been having some connectivity issues. They're not so severe that they prevent me from playing entirely, but it still gets in the way. I'm still on Mojave however, so that's worth noting. Also, ever since the Spring Update, the launcher has been taking an incredibly long time to load.
I use Mac, and I've been having some connectivity issues. They're not so severe that they prevent me from playing entirely, but it still gets in the way. I'm still on Mojave however, so that's worth noting. Also, ever since the Spring Update, the launcher has been taking an incredibly long time to load.
Yeah I wasn’t having baby issues at all when I wasn’t updated to Catalina. However, as soon as I updated to it, the game gives me these issues. I’ve also noticed that the issues are more prominent during the day, I’m assuming that’s because more people are on. The launcher DOES take a lot longer to load for me too