Hi, the family computer is dying and I'm trying to get wizard101 running on my old laptop. My laptop has Windows XP operating System.
Anyway I downloaded wizard and login starts up properly, but when the game is fully downloaded it skips by the step where I hit play. When it gets to that part where the small wizard picture becomes visible (the one that shows the game is logged in and starting up), the game splits into three separate bars along the bottom status bar. At about the same time, my computer has a wizard101 error that pops up.
I'm not new to computers but I'm self taught. So in other words i don't know how to check if it is my computer or a problem with the software version I downloaded. I downloaded directly from the wizard101 website so I'm hoping that if it is on my end that it is an easy fix. I know some people have run Wizard101 on their XP computers with no problems so I'm kinda hoping someone can help me out.
Thanks for any responses that come my way, especially if they are helpful. Either way I'm gonna keep trying till my computer has the game running. their has to be some way or another. Might be as simple as a corrupted file, or an old virus that can be cleaned up. Although i do hope it isn't a virus, since that would make a lot more research for me...
Any suggestions? Definitely appreciated...
Nicholas Nightshade Edward BattleCaster Miguel BearFriend Brian Sunhammer