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Laptop System process

May 23, 2008
When the kids and I play I get to use my laptop and they use the two desktops. It is very common for my laptop to lag significantly with the system process consuming the lions share of the CPU at least once an hour. Has anyone else experienced this, and does anyone have any suggestions?

I have all the eye-candy turned off and it is really not that bad of a PC given it is a laptop. intel 945G video, 2.0ghz, 4gig memory, XP SP3.

Jun 12, 2008
We play on four systems, two of which are laptops, and never have any problems. That being said, your system has some unique issues:

1) You have an integrated graphics chipset, which really isn't designed for gaming. It can game, but at lesser graphics settings, as you've discovered. I'd highly recommend that you check your chipset's driver version to see if you have the most current.

2) You're using XP with 4GB of RAM. Unless you have the X64 version of XP, you have more RAM than your system will recognize (normally 3 - 3.5GB), which may actually cause problems..

Try updating your drivers, if you can, and see if that helps. It's an easy place to start.


May 23, 2008
Thanks, I have updated the drivers. I am able to play WOW (and other games) on the laptop fine. W101 plays ok except for those times with the system process takes over.

Jun 12, 2008
rlekan wrote:
Thanks, I have updated the drivers. I am able to play WOW (and other games) on the laptop fine. W101 plays ok except for those times with the system process takes over.

There could be other system issues or there could be actual bugs and/or game issues. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to open an official support ticket via "Ask a Question" using the Help|Support link in the menu to the left. They can work with you to troubleshoot the problem and, hopefully, resolve it.
