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Issues with Verizon Mobile Broadband

Mar 10, 2009
The only high speed internet available to me is Verizon Mobile Broadband. It generally works pretty OK.

My in-laws have the same Verizon service I have, and even have the same USB aircard (USB727). I can NEVER get Wizard to run at their house, even when I turn the firewall and the antivirus completely off. Runescape on the other hand, which also uses UDP ports to communicate, works just fine. This is a relatively minor nuisance, as it is not like that it is where we would primarily play or anything, but I wonder if it is related to another problem.

On my home network, I have Verizon wireless on an upstairs desktop computer. I have to turn internet connection sharing "on" for my wireless connection, and it then drives my WiFi router. I have a personal laptop that connects to the internet fine. I also have a work laptop I can bring home and Wizard on. Here is the catch, if I start Wizard on the desktop before I run wizard on my work laptop, Wizard on my laptop can normally connect and run just fine. However, if Wizard is run on the desktop first, then Wizard on my work laptop fails to connect to the patch server. If I start Wizard on my work laptop first, then run it on the desktop, both usually run fine, though occasionally the Wizard on the work laptop will hiccup. The internet continues to work fine, it is just Wizard that is affected. To be able to connect again, I have had to completely reboot the desktop.

I strongly suspect that the issue really lies with how Verizon Mobile Broadband handles support for UDP. I would normally suspect something like a firewall, but I have turned the firewalls completely off with exactly the same behavior.

I suspect I am just out of luck, but thought it worth a shot at mentioning it in this forum. I have *5* wizards in my house, and the ability to have at least three computers that can run wizard at once is a big deal.

Oddly, the problem on my home network only happens with my new, high end work laptop. Another work laptop I have borrowed on occasion does not demonstrate this problem. I don't know how it would make a difference, but the new work laptop runs Vista :-P. It will be eventually be updated to W7.

I am an electrical and software engineer, so I am not afraid to dig into the bits a little bit if anyone has any suggestions.


Edward JadeEyes