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Interacting with Furniture

Jan 17, 2009
With new Furniture on Wizard101, you should be able to interact with some of the types of furniture. Like sit in chairs, sleep on bed to rest(refills health), and maybe read some books. And maybe boardgames, not the ones you get in the furniture shops now, but actual games that you can play with the people in your house. And that brings me to my next idea , let people go to your house. Like they go to the dorm door, or some other place, and they can look at all the players houses. Or if you don't like that idea , you can have a "Go to House" button on the friends list, so your friends can go to your house even when your offline :-D.

Dec 11, 2008
Nuttykill2 wrote:
With new Furniture on Wizard101, you should be able to interact with some of the types of furniture. Like sit in chairs, sleep on bed to rest(refills health), and maybe read some books. And maybe boardgames, not the ones you get in the furniture shops now, but actual games that you can play with the people in your house. And that brings me to my next idea , let people go to your house. Like they go to the dorm door, or some other place, and they can look at all the players houses. Or if you don't like that idea , you can have a "Go to House" button on the friends list, so your friends can go to your house even when your offline :-D.

I thought of these ideas too! We think alike, and these would be GREAT improvements!