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Ideas for non-boss fighting fun!

Dec 26, 2008
You see all these monsters / bad guys walking back and forth and what is your incentive to give them a good smack - besides for a quest or title? Their loot drops are always sub par compared to boss monster loot drops. Why waste your time?

Many other games have addressed fighting the "little guys" in various ways. Here are 10 ideas for random loot drops:

1. Have them drop keys that open chests in the boss zones.
2. Have them drop crafting items (but we'd need a crafting system).
3. Have them drop items that are slotable in equipment for bonuses (but we'd need to have weapons / clothing with slots).
4. Have them drop items to put in your dorm room (but we'd need a configurable dorm room).
5. Have them drop buff items that you can use immediately or before a battle.
6. Have them drop items you can use in the mini games for bonuses or prizes.
7. Have them drop items to enhance your pet.
8. Have them drop items to enhance your treasure cards.
9. Have them drop expendable fun items like fireworks or run speed buffs.
10. Have them drop items that change you into a monster or change your appearance for a short time.

Would any of these be helpful? What are your ideas?

Thanks for reading!
