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I Discovered a Castle Magic Issue/Bug

May 01, 2013
I have castle magic set up in my sunken palace to make my fish tanks invisible. It seems to work just fine from my Kelly Firedreamer account. Looked awesome. But when I logged into my second account and toured the same sunken palace, not only were the fish tanks invisible but so were the fish inside them. The fish on upper deck and second deck you could not see, nor the tanks. But if you continued down to the sand off to the left side by the shipwreck the fishing tanks are invisible but the fish are not. So the fish are swimming around like they are supposed to. So on the wizard that owns the house you see it like it is supposed to be seen. Just a bunch of fish swimming around. Yet on other account you dont see any fish at all until you hit the sand bottom. Those are the only visible ones. This is a huge issue. This entire time I thought the fish were visible but they arent only in part of my house. And the castle magic is also casted from the same reflectors and timers as the visible ones. And i have not moved or touched them since I originally casted the castle magic. (I know that can cause the magic to not work correctly) It makes no sense. Way bazaar. Anyone else actually catch this? I have screenshots of what I am experiencing.

May 01, 2013
Well I was hoping to get some sort of feedback on this issue. I have reset all castle magic on all items in the home three times now with no luck. I did get the lower fish to appear swimming in the water like they are supposed to but all the tanks and fish are still not working on the upper deck or the second landing on the outside of the sunken palace. This castle magic is working just fine in all my other houses just like it is intended. Im so triggered. Any suggestions of things to try or if someone knows of a known issue withing the house itself, I am all ears. My friends that have also done this in other homes are not having this issue but they aren't using the sunken palace either. It may be isolated to the house as I said though I have seen it done in another one just fine.
Sorry if i am rambling. Thanks for the help.

Aug 03, 2014
Have you tried making it so the fish tanks start off visible for anyone arriving and then vanish? This gives the fish time to load for the new person entering before the tank goes invisible again.

I hope this helps

May 01, 2013
Victoria FireHeart on Jul 30, 2019 wrote:
Have you tried making it so the fish tanks start off visible for anyone arriving and then vanish? This gives the fish time to load for the new person entering before the tank goes invisible again.

I hope this helps
Yes I have. I removed all the castles magic completely then reapplied it. Still didnt work. So I removed it and then placed the timers and reflectors in a different area by the bridge on the second level and reapplied all my magic. TaDa! It worked. I dont know if the first landing doesnt support the castle magic correctly or what is going on there. Cast it exactly the same way. Have never had a problem in my storm house or in any other house previously. Maybe something KI Devs should look into further. But problem resolved my relocating magic items. TY for you help and suggestions.