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How do I sell my house?

Jun 14, 2009
For a decent price that is.

I don't remember where, but I recall having read that one can sell his house. Of course with the new Bazaar in place, I immediately went there to check.

Guess what? I could sell my small castle for 4000 gold. Not bad since that is half of the buying price. Seemed fair to me. However, the sell button is greyed out.
I tried everything up to the point of emptying and unequipping the empty house, it still listed the price, but the sell button was still greyed out.

If I go to a house vendor he offers me 420 gold for it. Yeah right, like I'm going to accept that kind of money for something I bought for 8000 gold initially. Indeed, no way.

So, where do I sell my house for a decent price?

I need the money to buy a new house (different style), but this way it looks like I tossed my gold out of the window with buying my first house. Seems a bit odd to me, because otherwise it would really mean that one has to pay very careful attention to which house to buy since it is a one time option only. That, without having an option to check them out first (bit odd if you ask me).

So, please tell me I overlooked something, because I would hate having to just carry around a house that I worked hard for, but which has become completely useless to me.

Jun 14, 2009
May 06, 2009
If the button is greyed out, I almost guarantee you are missing the flag on your house that would say 'NO AUCTION', where there is also 'NO TRADE'. I have this on one of my items, I noticed a very high sale price but the button was greyed out...it took me a moment to notice it had been set 'NO AUCTION'.

To the best of my knowledge you can still only sell houses back to the turtle, and his prices aren't all that great (KI, why is this? What purpose does this serve? I bought the house, I should be able to sell it, why is a 40,000 house now worth only a pittance? Not like I'm going to flood the market...)

Sep 22, 2008
Sell it to the turtle, but ElFuego brings up a good point, why such low dell back prices?