I had used the Team-Up! Kiosk in my Fire House indoors. However, I had quit my character and then I hopped back onto him. What ended up happening was that my house loaded from the inside, but with the outside's items. Whenever I left the house and teleported back into the supposed outside, I ended up indoors. Trying to exit through the 2 other doors didn't do anything except take me inside to where the doors are when I was supposed to go outside. I quit my character and hopped on him again, but the problem persisted. It only managed to finally revert back to normal when I had logged out and back into my account again.
Please fix this bug! I've had this happen to me once back in June but this is where I need that bug eliminated.
Steven (Visionary ), David ThunderWielder (Visionary ), Steven IceShard (Visionary )