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horrible glitch/henchmen problem.

Feb 07, 2011
so i joined team up with one other player, and everything's going normally... until about halfway through the fight, when the game decided i could no longer attack grandfather spider.

i thought it was a cheat so, after about 10 rounds of this, i fled and ported back in with dungeon recall, then rejoined the duel. same thing.

when i click the spell, boss is highlighted. but, when i try to hit him, the red x appears.

i can blade and heal teammates, so i am not beguiled. and i was only able to attack when henchmen were not present... my teammate kept summoning henchmen, so it seems that the issue might be that the henchment are too tall and therefore blocking my ability to click on the boss?

either way, fix this please. it is annoying and a huge waste of time to sit in a battle for 20+ rounds unable to cast.

Jul 07, 2010
I've been having the same problem! This has happened to me several times on bosses and there is no un-do that I have found. This has happened to both me and my questing friend and both in the same battle. Does anyone know what we are supposed to do in this situation!?

Aug 12, 2013
Not sure if this is the same problem that I'm dealing with, but I'll post this and hope it helps. I've been having this ,and remembered a couple years ago, there was a time when you had to fire your spell over the head of your adversary. It only seems to happen with bosses, but it does work. Hope this helps, and isn't completely off track.

Feb 07, 2011
RamblinWilly on Dec 27, 2016 wrote:
Not sure if this is the same problem that I'm dealing with, but I'll post this and hope it helps. I've been having this ,and remembered a couple years ago, there was a time when you had to fire your spell over the head of your adversary. It only seems to happen with bosses, but it does work. Hope this helps, and isn't completely off track.
i've experience that as well, and it's definitely not the same thing (since it didn't matter where i clicked).

my guess is that it registered as the game thinks i'm trying to click on the henchman because he is in the way. this is why the old wizard henchmen should have been allowed to remain as they were (salvus can stay though, since dragons are awesome and he's actually useful/doesn't get in the way).
