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Having weird connection issues

Feb 27, 2009
Hi there!

I've recently been having some very strange connection issues. The game will randomly just disconnect itself without giving me the "chain break" disconnect symbol. Are there server issues happening or is this just me? It just started happening last night, and I started playing the game again about a week ago.


Brandon Hexshade

Apr 08, 2019
I have the same problem, some people have it too.Unfortunately there is no solution for it yet

Aug 11, 2011
Hello! After the spring update, the amount of connection issues and lag are close to making the game unplayable. I will sometimes go into a battle, and the connection will be lost and I'll miss 2-3 rounds at a time. I have to force quit sometimes to even exit out of the game because nothing will be happening for almost five minutes. Of course, when I log back onto my wizard, I'm either in the same spot with 1 health and have to flee, or I'm defeated and back in Celestia.

It's definitely frustrating. Is anyone having the same issues? My game was completely fine before this update, and my internet and computer are both good quality. My friend is having the same issues, but they aren't as bad as mine. He's at least able to play the game, while I can't go into a battle for more than three minutes without connection errors.

Can someone please look into this, or at least assure me that I'm not alone? I've only seen one other person having issues about the lag, but nothing about connection issues.

