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Hatching Kiosk troubles

Aug 10, 2010
I love the new ability to search by talent in the kiosk, it really helps to find just what you're looking for, but there IS a bit of a problem or maybe two.
There are talents listed that are actually from Jewels (ex. Calypso You Know) that can't be hatched for, and there are talents listed that are actually item cards from pets that are not able to be put in the kiosk anyway. (ex. Dragonlance)

The other is that every time I put in 5 talents and search, when it does come up with a pet that has all 5, when I try to hatch it tells me that the pet isn't available anymore. It could just be bad luck or bad timing on my part, but after a while you wonder just how unlucky can I be?

Mar 16, 2011
I have the same issue sometimes. It tells me that the pet is unavailable.