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Hammer time!

Dec 11, 2008
I finally got a Myth Hammer last night. I've wanted one since I first heard about GH. Not sure of the name of it, "Blade of ... " something... I became worried when I saw it had blade in it's name, then I went to use it and yeah... he uses it just like a sword, it even make the sword swish sound.

What the?!

I was hoping for my Wizard to stand in his circle and throw it at the enemy or to have him walk out into the middle and slam it to the ground. Either of those attacks would be great. But to go out and spin around like a ballerina and have it swish through the air makes no sense whatsoever.

Minor detail, i know. But it just doesn't look right at all. It's not even as good a weapon as my other wands/swords, but it looks cool. So, I'd at least like for it to attack in a cool way.

Jun 23, 2009