When will the colors be fixed on the crown hairstyles? We've had the magic mirror and its colors are true to what you buy, so why aren't the crown styles? I'm sure we all want the new colors on the hair styles, but just having the colors be what you think you are purchasing would be nice.
When will the colors be fixed on the crown hairstyles? We've had the magic mirror and its colors are true to what you buy, so why aren't the crown styles? I'm sure we all want the new colors on the hair styles, but just having the colors be what you think you are purchasing would be nice.
Hi mittensk,
This is a great question with not an easy resolution. Our system is somewhat old and colors are often quite baked into the content. It's not as easy as it would seem at first to change or add. It's possible of course, we just have more steps to consider here.
Hi Sparck... how come the colors of the crown shop hair colors don't match the colors you think you are buying? When you use the magic mirror or even when first making your wizard, the colors match what you are picking. Even if they can fix that issues, a bunch of use will be very happy and back to purchasing multiple hairstyles. I much prefer the hairstyles to hats.