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Graphic/Music Glitches in Classic Mode?

Aug 28, 2013
So I recently got back into this game, and they updated the graphics while I was away. That is a really cool addition to the game, and something that was needed, and they even have a classic mode for anyone who doesn't like the new graphics. I prefer the older graphics, but when I switch to classic mode, some of the things don't go back to what they were before. Ambrose, Zeke, the Professors, and many other NPCs in Wizard City don't use their original models in classic mode. The Wizard City combat theme is still the new remastered version in classic mode, instead of the original combat theme. Also, after the Empyrea part 2 update, the Skeletal Pirates don't use their older models too when you switch to classic mode. Even NPCs that do use their older model when you switch to classic mode, such as the trees in Ravenwood, don't use their older character icons that match better with their older designs.