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Gimme a Pox card

May 28, 2009
Okay, a few days ago I was going through the DS academy quest line and ran into two new types of minion. The Defender Pox and another kind of Pox that cast blades. I want one of these things, seriously! I often do not spend the time that I should to shield myself because I am so busy trying to buff up my next damage spell. I would love to have a Defender Pox to stand next to me and shield me and itself so I can focus on the blades and traps. I'm sure that others would like to have the other kind of Pox to blade up and help to do more damage. With two Defender Pox on that lady I could hardly do any damage at all and I usually do quite a bit of damage as a Fire. I personally would like to see these as Balance spells at Bernie the tree in KT. But I would also accept them as treasure cards. Either one of these options would allow anyone have the spell, giving us all more options as far as minions are concerned. Having a minion with an actual purpose would be very nice as opposed to having them randomly throwing a low level set of 4 or 5 spells. How does everyone else feel about this idea?