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friends, minions and dragons

Feb 09, 2009
Ok. Let me start by saying I love playing the game and do so daily. However, playing as often as I do I saw some things that might help the game.
First,let's talk about friends. When you port to a friend, you get a confirmation box asking if you do indeed really want to go there. That's great, but what about the people who are getting joined on? Why not have a confirmation asking if you really want that person joining on you? It would help if you're fighting a boss and the battle is full already. Why have six people standing in the middle because they joined and had no where to battle?
Second let's talk about minions. Personally, I'm a grandmaster life wizard. My minion however is just a tiny little level one forest sprite. Why not have extra quests to level the minion up too? I mean, I don't expect her to cast a centaur or rebirth, but an attack better than an imp would certainly be nice! lol
While we are talking about minions, another problem I see with them is lack of control over their spell casting. I've seen many wizards, myself included, spend a lot of time setting up traps and such, only to have a minion take them out with a VERY minor spell. Why not make it draw based similar to the treasure cards? That would give us a bit more control, while still having the random spells.
Third and last ( I promise! lol) When you reach Dragonspire and hatch the drake egg you are told that the dragon can never leave there but he will always be a part of you. Why not give a dragon pet in honor of that "bond". Perhaps even taking it so far as to create dragon pets for every school and it gives you a unique spell that only someone who has gotten that far would have.
Anyways, just a few ideas I thought I'd run up the flag pole and see if any one salutes! lol

- Taryn DragonWraith

May 27, 2009
I agree wholeheartedly. I want my Sprite Guardian to level up, and a school specific pet dragon would be awesome as well. Great ideas!

Aug 01, 2008
These are some good ideas.

I'd also like it if friends teleporting to someone in battle landed outside of the battle. Too many "wandering" wizards mess up my battles by arriving and then fleeing, leaving me to clean up the extra monsters they drag in.

I'd love some quests for my minion. Or the ability to create his spell deck for him.

I can't comment on the dragon issue with Dragonspyre. I've not gotten that far yet. And considering the nonsense I just had to deal with today, I'll probably never get there.